Saturday, September 4, 2010

i guess it's just the way it is.

today i went shopping. i like shopping. it's fun, most of the time. sometimes annoying sometimes boring.
here are the pros and cons of shopping:


-looking at awesome clothes/things
-buying things
-spending time with friends
-eating yummy food
-buying clothes
-looking at pretty things
-going in cute little shops
-finding something unexpected
-snatching a bargain
-fall in love with something
-getting inspiration!

-not having enough money to buy everything you want
-not being able to find what you're looking for
-wasting time walking around
-sore feet
-parking/taking half an hour to get out of the car park!!
-expensive clothes
-impulse buying
-not being able to decide what to buy
-trying on heaps of clothes
-carrying bags etc.

so i'ts the 4th day of spring and it still feels like winter :(
atm it's pouring down and very dark outside!!
here's a song that I'm listening to, to add a bit of colour to this gloomy day..

my little bit of sunshine today.. buying a cool (and cheap) hat :) 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

life starts here .

life starts here .
it seems that life doesn't actually start when your born as such, but actually starts at some significant stage in your life. eg. your 18th birthday.
so when your 18 all of a sudden your life begins. so if you're 17 and 364 years old your life hasn't started?
what defines 'life'?
- is it the simple act of breathing-blood pumping life?
-is it doing what you like/your passion?
- is it freedom/responsibility?
- or maybe just reaching a certain stage of maturity?

when your 2, your life is simple
by age 5 you start school.
age 12 you enter high school- a big step.
18 you become an adult with adult privileges.
18-40 you might get married/start a family.
Turning 50 is a big milestone.
aged 60+ and you might acquire some grandkids.

all of these are important milestones. but does any particular one define life starting?
is it being able to drink? getting married? having kids?

i think life starts whenever you want- that is life meaning living to the fullest not the simple act of 'just' living.

age doesn't represent a start to life. life starts when you want it to start/when you decide it to.
when you choice to make a change, do what you love. smile. have fun. laugh a bit. live life to the fullest! so what are you waiting for? start living!

we should get jerseys cos we make a good team

today was uneventful. just like the last couple. sometimes i feel like i'm going through the motions, without actually doing much. i spend ages practising the piano and still feel like i haven't achieved anything. it was just an hour of nothingness. i have days of nothingness all the time. wake up, go to school, go to each class, travel home, practise music, eat, do homework, and go to bed. nothing exciting. bland. boring. blah.
its days like today that i think what am i doing with my life?(only not so blunt) its hard to think that all the hard work, bit by bit pays off in the long run. it's hard to see the big picture. i know that i will be rewarded later, but it's often hard to see that. I can be quite short sighted sometimes. i really need to buy some binoculars that aren't as temperamental as my current ones. if only!
i learnt today to enjoy the small things as well. watching packed to the rafters really teaches me some life lessons! at the moment it has to be one of my fave shows. i love it! :)

i love its *honesty *real life situations *humour *family *australianess *characters
ben and mel are so cute! i feel sorry for nathan though, he and sammy were really cute together. it's a shame she left the show :(
rachel and jake are also a cute couple! if only jake didn't have his fits all the time. and ruby is super adorable too! it's funny to watch Julie raise 3 kids 20+ and then a baby at the same time.

thats all for now.

Monday, August 30, 2010

growing up.

when i was a child i wanted to grow up so fast. i wished that i could be older. more priviliges, all the perks. but now i realise that childhood is something to treasure. i wish i could relive all the memories- running through the sprinklers, swimming in the neighbours pool, lounging around just playing. Life seemed so simple. well in retrospect at least. looking back the smallest things seemed to be end-of-the-world situations. oh how naive i was- i still am. all the memories, of hot summers, family bbqs, childhood friends, primary school. bliss. isn't it funny that we always wish we could go back to a previous time, but really we only remember the good times and forgot many of the bad. We miss that it was tough, and we hated it. we wished to grow up so badly. 'back then' or 'back in my day' as i will tell my children and grandchildren, life was carefree and wonderful! ..but really i wanted to grow up quickly, very quickly. i recall my anticipation for high school, but weren't my preconceptions wrong! not long before i wished that i could go back to primary school. where homework was 2+3 and science was making shebert or volcanoes out of bicarb soda and vinegar. We played, laughed, read a bit, did some school work, slept, ate and played some more.
Now its seems that we have to make big decisions that will really affect our future. the future i so quickly wanted to reach now seems to be just around the corner, but im not sure what awaits anymore. choosing subjects was a big decision that seems to have lifelong implications, but i know that its not that big a deal. all the hype and attention, the careers talks, open days. it all has one idea in mind- your career and academic future. but life is soo much more than that. i want to live a life with God in mind. i don't plan to spend 24/7 studying or working. that is not my idea of a life, nor anyones(well maybe a select few). so what about the rest of my future. growing up has its benefits, the ones i looked forward to as a kid, the freedom, independence, opportunities. I seem to get caught up with it all, the stress of choosing subjects, planning my future, deciding what i want to do. but what i want to do isn't merely an occupation. i think sometimes i forget this and i wish i didn't. i still look forward to the freedom that i will get once i finish yr 12, but i realise that i should also live for now, afterall once looking back i will remember all the good memories and wish that i could once again be 16. its just the way life works. afterall the grass is always greener on the otherside isn't it?
so for now i will savour the moment and wait, knowing that my future is my future and will be whatever i make of it.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

the adventures of megan, dani, steph and katie..

missing the train.
catching buses from kerang to ararat? where even is sunshine?..
crashes on the track.
train delays.
getting off at wrong stations.
walking long distances!
running through the city.
the glasses :)
the cities exercise bikes :D
being evacuated from the cinema.
slurpees on a freezing winters day.
steph spilling slurpee on her bag :P
the hot rowers.
photos- 'it isn't there' 
going down escalators with suitcases :O
taking photos on the tin of coffee. in the kitchen. on the 33rd floor. with people staring from their meeting.
not getting through the barriers with our cool barcodes and holding everyone up.
katie dropping her suitcase in the middle of the city. more than once.
the lady trying to get on the tram!
seeing mel and eating her brownies :D
spilling popcorn EVERYWHERE.
eating our 2.3kg of lollies.
prank calling- the love doctor.
the rape dungeon. 
playing table tennis whilst running to burn off all the sugar :)
sleep talking. 'what??'
having to walk up that BIG hill to the shopping centre.
on the bus. with a million people trying to get past the suitcases.
avoiding falling off bus seats by clenching our butt muscles.
toy story 3.
going around the spinny, turning doors. 
the gooey stuff.. yuk!

Friday, July 9, 2010

time flies by.. when your having fun/sleeping.

holidays are nearly over :(
had fun hanging, shopping AND sleeping.
i have finished reading to kill a mockingbird. not as bad as everyone makes it sound!

Friday, July 2, 2010

sometimes i just forget.

sometimes i forget..
where i have been/where i am/where i am going
why i am here.
who my friends are.
who i can trust.
what i should be doing.

i often walk into room s and forget what i was going to do.
i forget peoples names.
i look at my watch. then forget the time.
i sometimes forget the day/the date

but i will never forget just how much you love me. because with you my mind captures every word-stores it in my permanent memory bank.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

and it grew colder and colder and colder..

sometimes i wish it was always summer.
but then i would miss getting to drink hot chocolates, snuggling up in a warm wooly blanket in front of a fire.